The patented vQm valve allows you to create and maintain vacuum conditions nside the bag at an amazing speed, 1000 liters to 500 hPa within 30 seconds!
Flushing with external gas for modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is also possible. By doing so, insects can be killed in all life stages, without using chemicals. Due to it's filter medium, powders can be vacuum packed as well.
The new generation of our vacuum machines is the HS type. In combination with the vQm patented high speed valve, this machine offers an extremely quick and easy to use solution to vacuum pack large volumes. If required, you can flush the packaging with external gas for modified atmosphere packaging (MAP).
The bags used for the vQm Packaging system are made from high barrier materials. vQm offers you any size of bag: from small bags to big bags. Our big-bags have a load capacity of up to 2,000 liters per bag!